
Tutoring at Soup Educational Services LLC is based on any students individual needs. Parents who are able to provide a learning profile including any school testing, learning plans (IEP, 504, Gifted, Twice Exceptional, READ, etc.) will help to shape learning at Soup Educational Services LLC. This information helps your tutor to adapt and adjust session and maximize the learning time they spend in the tutoring sessions. All sessions are currently being provided online through the Zoom interface. Students are able to connect through laptops, desktops, phones or tablets. Chrome books and phones are not recommend although they will work during the session if there are not any other options available. Currently Chrome books are unable to access the "Annotate" feature on their screen which allows students to write and engage on the platform. This means that the student will need to either use a notebook or whiteboard to write down their answers and instruction can be more auditory reducing the multi-sensory approaches that have been proven to increase student engagement and learning outcomes. Phones will likewise work on the zoom platform, however, student can not see both the tutor and the presentation and some students spend much of their time toggling between screens which can be frustrating. 

In the first few sessions with a new student you can expect that a student goal setting session will occur. Students will discuss what they feel is their strengths and weakness along with what they want to improve upon. Often students are very insightful here and can really provide a lot of meaningful information. This session students will typically talk about what things they are interested in as well as spending a bit of time getting to know their tutor. After each session the student and the parent (if an email address is provided for each) will receive an email outlining the session and discussing their progress from their work. They may also be assigned "homework" or practice activities. For students working in Literacy this will frequently be an exercise reviewing skills that have already been taught. For math students they will be given an assignment through the Prodigy platform where they can also practice the skills that they have learned. You will be given a classroom code that the student will need to enter. For students who are using Prodigy at school as well it might be beneficial to connect with classroom teachers and ask them to add your teacher as a co-teacher so that students do not get bounced back and forth in the system. Unless this has been discussed in greater detail as part of a learning plan these assignments will typically take between 5 and 15minutes depending on their environment, distractions, and comfort with the task. IF any of these are taking any longer or are causing fighting, bickering, or any other stress please let your tutor know immediately. Again these should be custom practice activities for the student to build confidence. 

In your child's typical session you can expect to see a greeting, a check in on tasks that have been assigned, an opportunity for students to share any topics that they have been struggling with in their school work/celebrations of school success, a warm-up that typically will ask students to use a variety of skills and/or higher level thinking, a mini-lesson that is aligned to the state standards that resemble their current functioning level, time to practice skills, and finally a goodbye with an introduction to any practice assignments. At Soup Educational Services LLC all sessions are one on one (small group in special cases), in order to provide a high level of engagement. This means that students can write on their screen using the annotate features but in many cases the teacher can allow them to access programs or manipulatives by allowing the student to control the teachers mouse as well. You will often hear your tutoring, singing, chanting, and asking the students to make motions to produce a multi-sensory learning experience. Some parents even decide to sing along which you are welcome to do! 

After each session you will receive a follow up email that includes information on what your student worked on in the session and how they responded. This follow up will also include short term goals and long term goals for your student. You will receive a link to complete a survey about your experience which helps the tutor to provide the best experience. 

Please reach out and let me know if you have any further questions or information, Welcome to the soup family!


Online Tutor and Owner

Soup Educational Services LLC 

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